SunGard recruits Senior Build and Release Engineer
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وظائف تونس وظائف و عروض عمل و تشغيل من الجمهورية التونسية

إضافة رد
أدوات الاعلان تقييم الاعلان انواع عرض الاعلان
رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
الصورة الرمزية الاعلانية
الاعلانية غير متواجد حالياً
اعـلاناتي / ردودي
رقم عضويتي : 5
تاريخ تسجيلي : Oct 2012
مكان إقامتي : فرصتي الاعلانية
صفتي : مسوق
مشاركاتي : 2,377
نقاطي : 10
تقييمي : الاعلانية is on a distinguished road
شغل SunGard recruits Senior Build and Release Engineer

كُتب : [ 06-11-2012 - 09:43 AM ]

SUNGARD Recruits
Senior Build and Release Engineer
The successful candidate is expected to:
• Manage development & QA environments
• Create builds using automation scripts
• Build installation on internal servers
• Create release packages for UAT & production environments
• Troubleshoot & debug build / deployment issues
• Support client environment related issues
• Collaborate with Dev, QA, Product Management, Services teams
• Drive automation for product build / deployment / packaging using build tools / scripts
Position requirements:
• Knowhow of configuration management concepts
• Familiarity of application / web servers like JBOSS, TOMCAT, Weblogic, Websphere
• Proven experience on .Net framework and /or J2EE architecture
• Good knowledge of Unix & Schell scripting
• Knowhow of built tools: Maven, Bamboo
• Knowhow of RDBMS: SQL & Oracle Servers
• Good communication & coordination skills
• Familiarity with JIRA would be desirable
• Strong written & communication skills
• Fluency in English (Both oral & written)
Send your resume and cover letter to
For further information, please visit our website

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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
build, engineer, recruits, release, senior, sungard

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